Our Commitment to Anti-Racism

Academic Pathways Advising is committed to anti-racism & anti-oppression within our advising practices and personal lives. We pursue this commitment through regular discussions and assessments about equity and inclusion within the policies and processes of Academic Pathways Advising and Seattle U. We consistently advocate for policies and processes that support true inclusion for all students.

Additionally, each Academic Pathways Advising advisor is committed to unlearning and challenging our unearned privileges. We support and affirm Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and we recognize anti-racism is a lifelong process.

Meet Our Advisors


Schedule an Appointment With an Advisor

Advisors are available to meet with you virtually or in-person. To schedule an appointment please call the advising center at 206-296-2260 or email at pathwaysadvising@rdsy.net.